Speaking of objects, we mean, above all, datasheets. Objects are superior to projections. E.g. the Directory table includes the Contact, Company, and Contractor. Objects will be of interest to us if we want to create a new entity, a new field, etc. or more significantly affect the structure of the database (system).
In objects, we can set whether categories, discussions, documents, notifications, subscribers, history recordings, reminders, and tracking changes are allowed on the entity.
Changing and adding a new column (= field)
We can add and customize columns and column settings on the column itemgrid. If you want to add a field to any entity, select the Objects in the main settings, filter the desired entity, and open. Below is a list of columns on a given object and click the Add a new row button. Fill its name, data type (e.g: String = String, Bit = Yes / No, Int = Number, Enumeration = Dropdown, etc.). In addition, if necessary, add a Reference or a link to another entity (Entity type, etc.) or choose an enumeration. We do not change the data type for the already created columns, as this action could disrupt the correct functioning of the system and lose data. Next, we choose whether or not the field is required (may be left blank) and whether the field is read-only.
Creating a custom entity
We can create our own object if we want to have a custom entity in Vistos CRM that is not a general solution. We will create a new entity by clicking on the Rocket icon next to objects in the menu. We include text without symbols and no spaces if possible. If we want to create a space, we put an underscore (_) instead. We select “crud” as the DB type of the object. Click the Create button and we’re redirected to an object editing page. We have pre-created obligatory fields (Id, Deleted, Created, Modified, Name, etc.) and pre-populated with the object settings (eg Schema: dbo etc.). We can add additional fields, save and restart the API. The next step should be to set the entity in the Projections (good not to forget the Action buttons, Links between projections, etc.). The new entity is not yet localized (= correctly named headings, titles, etc.). These shall be edited in the Localizations.