In Vistos CRM, all fields that are share keys are automatically transferred using the action button (for example, the Name field on Order Received will be transferred to the Name field on the Invoice issued). However, if we want to transfer a field with a different key we will use the Column Mapping feature on the action button. At the same time, this feature allows you to set the default value for a specific field. If we create a new record on any entity, using pre-filled fields when the fields will stay the same (for example, identical or pre-filled with an enumeration) our work will be much easier as we do not need to fill out repetitive information every time we record.
Copy information from one field to another
If I want to copy data from a field in one projection, and into a field on another on another projection (fields must be of the same type)
- Name: Format convention: Projection from which we want to copy the data; hyphen; the column of the data; underscore; the projection to which we want to copy to; hyphen; the column to which I want to enter the information (e.g., I want to copy the name to the subject email: Contact-Name_Email-Subject);
- Source column: The column from which want the data;
- Target column: The column to which I want to copy the data to;
- Action button: The action button to we are mapping (from which entity to which entity);
- Custom: Select Yes (created by user, not a system).
Removing automatic transfer of information from identically named fields
In order to cancel the transfer of data that we do not want to be copied, we first have to find out which column is being copied to. If the fields on these entities have different keys, delete the appropriate record in the column mapping list. If the fields are named identically on both entities, they are automatically copied and, on the contrary, a new column mapping should be created to cancel the mapping. Create the mapping in the same way as before, though we will set the Default value to “NULL”.
Automatically preloaded fields when creating a new record
If we would like to create a new mapping for preloaded data. we will enter the mapping as follows:
- Title: Format convention: Hyphen; underscore; the projection on which the relevant field is located; the column we need (for example, the Payment Currency field would be named: -Payment-Currency_FK);
- Source column: Leave blank;
- Target column: the column we need;
- Action button: I choose the action button that starts with “New” (e.g. New__Payment);
- Custom: I select Yes (created by a user, not a system);
- Default value: type SQL statement (e.g. [SELECT TOP 1 ss [DefaultCurrency_FK] FROM [crm].) [SystemSettings] ss WHERE ss [Deleted] = 0)
Copy an active entry to the Entity field
It may be necessary to copy, for example, the product’s currently open record to the Product field (Product_FK) on a Case entity. To do so, we use the id of the record in the column mapping. The name would be in the form of “Product-_Case-Product_FK”, which symbolizes the parent projection, hyphen, underscore, child projection, hyphen, and the foreign key column on the target projection. We leave the source column blank, the action button we are mapping “CreateFrom_Product_Case”, the target column would be a field with the given entity, for this example Product_FK. An important point is to fill the default value with “@id”.